Halloween 2023 in Wurstelprater
Halloween is a big thing in the Wurstelprater! Of course, various restaurants and attractions will also be taking part in the celebrations – above all, of course, all ghost trains. So that you don't miss anything, we have an overview of all locations and activities for you (which will be continually updated ✌️).
New this year: There will be two days of child-friendly Halloween celebrations for the little ones in the Wurstelprater!

For curious kids who love to dress up
Ghost Train
The Liliputbahn is transformed into the Ghost Train again this year and tells the story of the good spirits Otilia and Poldi. It drives through wafts of fog, accompanied by the howling of wolves and owls, through the dark, legendary forest of the Count of Dracula. Tickets are available on site, starting from Oct 15th – be sure to be quick!
When: Tue, Oct 31st 2023 from 17:00-21:00 o'clock
Where: Liliputbahn Hauptbahnhof
Price: 7,00€ per person
Scare factor: 
For brave kids and their accompanying adults
October 29th + 30th 2023
Children's Halloween
A (slightly) spooky and varied children's program awaits you and your little ones throughout the Wurstelprater on October 29th and 30th. From magic shows (at 14:30 and 16:30 o'clock at Praterschwemme), a skill pumpkin course ((Nikolai-Kobelkoff-Weg) and an arts and craft station (Popps Paradies) through to face painting (Riesenradplatz) and air brush tattoos (Rondeau). All kids in costume get free entry to the Königreich der Eisenbahnen and discounted entry to the Spooky Jump in Jumpworld.One. The Planetarium is also participating with a planet game and Halloween-appropriate candy offerings. And of course, many Prater establishments also offer trick-or-treating! When: Sun, Oct 29th + Mon, Oct 30th from 14:00-17:00 o'clock Where: Throughout Wurstelprater Scare factor:
October, 31st 2023
Ghost Train 

The Liliputbahn is transformed into the Ghost Train again this year and tells the story of the good spirits Otilia and Poldi. It drives through wafts of fog, accompanied by the howling of wolves and owls, through the dark, legendary forest of the Count of Dracula. Tickets are available on site, starting from Oct 15th – be sure to be quick!
When: Tue, Oct 31st 2023 from 17:00-21:00 o'clock
Where: Liliputbahn Hauptbahnhof
Price: 7,00€ per person
Scare factor: 
The Undead must be Viennese 

This year, an interactive Halloween adventure with five stations awaits you in the city of the undead. Condemned to be trapped in the Prater forever, the undead have only one hope – the Black Empress. According to an old legend, she redeems undead Viennese people on the night before All Saints' Day and finally allows them to rest. The catch? Only if the living Halloween folk unanimously demand it!
Starting at 18:30 o'clock, the Black Empress asks you to examine the undead at their stations. The following undead creatures await you: Dr. Pest (aka Doctor Pest), Ballerina des Bösen (the Ballerina of Evil), Ewiger Dirigent (the Eternal Conductor), Brandmeister Löschnak (Fire Chief Löschnak) and Schwarze Witwe (Black Widow) You can talk to them, ask them questions, and then decide whether they deserve to be saved. Of course, among the undead are also their victims and employees of MA 66, the magistrate's department for undead.
From 20:30 o'clock, the Black Empress will visit all the stations to carry out the sentence of her people.
When: Tue, Oct 31st 2023 from 17:30 o'clock
Where: Throughout Wurstelprater
Entry: free
Scare factor: 

Scary – but not too frightening
The Luftburg loves family celebrations and really goes wild on Halloween too. Magical witches, beautiful butterflies or spooky ghosts – all little Halloween fans will find a lovingly spooky afternoon program in the air castle. Typically Halloween, but child-friendly, so also suitable for the very little ones. With every Luftburg day band (Tagesband), the kids get a welcome drink of monster juice, access to the spider craft station and a portion of ouch popcorn (let them surprise you!). For a good cause: The Luftburg donates all proceeds from the Halloween campaign to the Kindertraum Foundation. When: Tue, Oct 31st 2023 from 16:00-18:00 o'clock Where: Luftburg – Kolarik im Prater Entry: 5,00€ Scare factor:Scary Bowling
The Kugeltanz bowling venue also changes for Halloween. Show off your bowling skills amidst spooky decorations and spooky cocktails. If you come dressed up, you'll get a free Halloween shot and your rental shoes for free! Reservations recommended. When: Tue, Oct 31st 2023 from 16:00 o'clock Where: Kugeltanz Scare factor:Halloween in the Stadl
If all the judging has made you thirsty (and hungry), take a trip to the Halloween party at the Prater Alm. Devilish nightcaps and humorous, dressed-up characters await you. The best Halloween costume will be awarded a bottle of vodka and drinks! Table reservations are not possible, according to the motto first come – first serve. When: Tue, Oct 31st 2023 from 21:00 o'clock Where: Prater Alm Entry: free Scare factor: