Looking back at the first carnival parade
Last Sunday, on February 12th, 2023, the first carnival parade organized by the Wiener Kinderfreunde took place in the Wurstelprater. Countless children in costumes came to celebrate Fasching (that’s what carnival is called in Austria), transforming the Prater into a colorful children’s paradise.
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Bubbles, Krapfen and 3.500 Participants
For the warm-up, the many children and their parents met at Riesenradplatz. There, anyone who felt like it could get creative at one of the handicraft stations or play some games.
After words of welcome from District Chairman Alexander Nikolai, the Wiener Kinderfreunde and the Wiener Prater GmbH, the Pratertrain led the colorful carnival troupe with a total of around 3,500 participants across the Wurstelprater. The parade led over Calafatiplatz, through clouds of soap bubbles, past the Brazilian percussion band Batala Austria and from Schweizerhausplatz back to a sea of Krapfen (the Austrian version of donuts), which awaited the participants as the crowning glory at Riesenradplatz. And of course various rides were open for the big carnival event as well.
We are happy that Kinderfreunde’s 1st carnival parade was such a success! And we’re already looking forward to the rerun in 2023.
Big round of applause to all participants, the Wiener Kinderfreunde and all their supporters!
Photocredits: Hannes Hochmuth