Park Information
The Vienna Wurstelprater is an amusement park open to the public and consists of a variety of attractions, catering and entertainment establishments. It is located at the northwestern tip of the Grüner Prater in Vienna’s 2nd district.
Opening Hours
Like the Grüner Prater, Wurstelprater is freely accessible 24 hours a day all year round (Jan-Dec).
A peculiarity of the Wurstelprater is that there are no uniform opening hours. All attractions, rides and restaurants are free to decide when they open and close. Depending on the weather, day of the week and target age group of the ride, there may also be deviations from the core opening hours.
Main Season 
Period: Mar, 15th – Oct, 31st
Opening hours: approx. from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m.*
Period: Nov, 1st – Mar, 14th
Opening hours: it’s complicated > more information
* Please beware that opening hours may vary!
A few examples: While the Wiener Riesenrad opens at 9:00 o’clock, other rides may open at around 12:00. Rides for children, on the other hand, are not open as late into the evening as those for adults. Some rides open later during the week than on weekends or public holidays. And if it storms and rains, outdoor rides will probably have to close. You see what we’re getting at.
Admission prices
The Wurstelprater area is accessible without admission.
The ticket prices of individual attractions and rides differ depending on its scope and genre – most range from 3.00€ to 6.00€. You will find them listed at the respective ride in our attraction guide.