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The Vienna Wurstelprater is easily accessible by public transport as well as by car. 

Public transport

The main entrance to the Vienna Wurstelprater can be reached via the Praterstern station. Here the subways U1 and U2, the streetcars O and 5, the bus lines 5B, 80A and 82A, as well as various express trains meet. From Praterstern you can directly reach Riesenradplatz via the rainbow crosswalk.

If you want to walk through the Wurstelprater from the Maschek side, you can also get off at the Messe-Prater station and walk past the trade fair and the University of Economics.

Car Parking

In the 2nd district, parking is metered Mon – Fri (workdays) from 9:00 – 22:00. Payment can be made by parking ticket (available at tobacconists or gas stations). Around the Wurstelprater there are several garages available – the closest are the parking garage Prater-Ausstellungsstraße and the parking lot Prater-Waldsteingartenstraße.