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Maypole and Styrian Delicacies

2024, Event Archive

Maypole and Styrian Delicacies

From April 25th to May 5th, 2024, the Riesenradplatz will be transformed into a haven for hearty, Styrian delicacies. A variety of regional delicacies, freshly tapped beer, sparkling wine, cider specialties and juices from the Styrian region await you. You can take a seat in one of the cozy huts while traditional folk music creates a beautiful atmosphere or if you feel like it, you can also dance and sing along. On May 1, 2024, the Kaiser Wiesn Emperor Johann I will enter the festival stage and make a musical appearance.

A Maypole at the Riesenradplatz

Another highlight of the festivities is the traditional raising of the maypole on April 27th at 17:00 at Riesenradplatz. Kaiser Wiesn Emperor Johann I and district leader Alexander Nikolai will accompany this solemn ceremony and support the Landjugend from Wenigzell with setting up. The so called Outback Bradler will provide musical support and as a special treat there will be a performance of the original Schuhplattler by the Wenigzell dance group.

Hard Facts

Styrian Delicacies at Riesenradplatz 🍻🥨
Thu, April 15th – Sun, May 5th, 2024
12:00-20:00 o’clock

Maypole set-up 🌲
Date: Sat, April 27th, 2024
17:00 o’clock
Location: Riesenradplatz

We wish you lots of fun!


Photocredits: Harald Klemm